Saturday, May 1, 2010

ConGraDuaTioNs, Daddy DaviD!

Well, it's official! Husband now has his Associates of Science degree! Yay! It was odd being the only family there, ha ha, but uh, we didn't tell anyone about it. Oops. Mostly because life's been so busy that David didn't even remember to order his cap & gown till a couple days before he graduated! Besides, he'll be here another 2 years anyway & will be in school probably at least another 4 years, if not more...let's not get too excited now! Jk.

I made him a special Oreo necklace to help him make it through work right after, and made him a delicious chicken alfredo pizza for lunch with breadsticks and "garlic loaf" (buttery garlicish biscuits baked in a pan together). I surprised myself with how it all turned out! It was awesome! Perfectly golden & cheesy & yummy. If you want the recipe, let me know & I'll email it to you.