Monday, November 16, 2009

iMpeNdiNG HaPpiNeSs...

Hello all! We are 3 weeks and...1 or 2 days away from the due date for our little David Jr! Holy moly, where does the time go?! Last week flew by and if it keeps going this way we'll have our baby before I get to post another blog probably, ha ha!

From the moment we set eyes on each other on MySpace it was doomed to be. Attraction, weird but fun phone calls and messages were sent, and then my Uncle Louis unknowingly made it possible for us to meet and have our first date at his funeral viewing. (Thank you and miss you, Louis!) Since then we pretty much knew we wanted to spend our lives together for all eternity and we've done everything we can to keep it that way. We both feel like we're the luckiest people in the world and sometimes wonder if we live in a bubble of giddiness and can't see whatever goes wrong...

Everything has worked out almost perfectly and we are constantly being blessed and surviving when we really shouldn't be. Seriously - I have no idea how we are affording to live still with David making $600 a month and our rent being $600 a month and still having to pay bills, eat food, and all of our trips to Salt Lake to visit family. We end up with exactly the amount we need to keep us going and I feel that it's truly a blessing of tithing and doing our best to do what we feel is right.

Anyway, the days are flying and we're getting closer and closer and almost feeling ready except for a few things! I talked to my doctor this morning and am still measuring a little over a week behind (but it's been that way the entire time) - he's really good at hiding! I talked to her about the baby shower we were thinking about doing for the family and she doesn't think we should be driving up to Salt Lake and back a week before the due date for Thanksgiving and shower. If I didn't care who delivered the baby or where then it probably wouldn't matter but it was kind of risky...oops! So - I guess the family gets to see the baby when we finally get to do the baby shower! I'm pretty bummed to be missing two of my favorite holidays with family though...Thanksgiving and Christmas - it'll be strange for sure! I'm sure the new addition to our family will keep me pretty occupied though. :) I can't wait to see what he looks like!! My face, David's head shape? Blonde? Brunette? Red-head?? Blue eyes? My guess is ... David's head shape, brunette, blue eyes...and ... my tan skin. We shall see!


  1. Yay!!! You have a blog! I Love it and will always read and invite you to read ours! You are David are a GREAT example to me and Kyle. THank you! We love ya and can't wait to meet our new neighbor!!!!

  2. Thanks! I'm not sure how to read yours, though, unless I just couldn't see your posts... :) Thanks! We love you guys too!

  3. Why Hi Stiff! Ha ha, you stealer of backgrounds. What are you thinking? ... well I am excited to see what your little guy looks like too. And yep, you definitely will be occupied with your little one especially the first month but I'm sad you won't be up here for the holidays but totally understandable but I do really really want to see little David B.!
