Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Progress & Memories

So! Latest news? I'm dilated to a 1+ and my cervix is thinning, which could mean not very much, or it could mean baby's coming soon! Who knows. Either way it's exciting for me!! I'm excited for next week's appointment! (Tune in Monday - if I post another update - for the next piece of progress)

As for memories...Katie Boyack took some fantastic pictures of Me & the Davids at our baby shower for friends up in Salt Lake! She charges what, $20-30 depending on what you want and then takes the pictures and sends them to you on a CD! AWESOMENESS!!! Here's some of my favorite pictures...

Are they not just SO lovable!?
I know I love them!

She did a GREAT job! I'm so excited to get this little guy in my arms and do some more pictures!! Goodness! What does he look like?!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!!! I am excited to meet this little guy also. Congrats on the progress!!!

  2. YAY Steph that is great news! maybe you will have a great experience too! thats where I was when i delivered! that is very awesome! make sure to let me know cuz I am not missing anything!! yayy HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE! and I am so glad that we are such good friends.. thanks for always being there for me and my family and for your great example! Can't wait to meet my new baby nephew David ;)love you friend!

  3. Love it! can't wait for the little whimpers upstairs!!!!!!
