Monday, November 30, 2009

THanK tHe HeAveNs, YaY!

Sooo... ready for the latest update?? I went to the doctor this morning and I am dilated still to a 1+, BUT - I'm 70% thinned/effaced and the baby's head is at a zero station (right in the pelvic bone!)! Laurie Hansen, my CNM, says he could come this week and he's definitely not waiting till Christmas, woohoo!! But holy moly...THIS week?! Poor David Sr if that happens, ha ha. Pretty stinkin exciting though, eh?!

Speaking of other things to be thankful/grateful about...we spent Thanksgiving with the Jackson Family and it was FANTASTIC! SO much fun! Made us not miss our family so bad - Thank you guys So Much!!

David got to play some basketball - here's a sweet picture that Todd took... (So dramatic!)

The food was delicious - ate it all day - and more the next day, ha ha! We played games, held babies, played with the grandkids, took the family pictures for them, watched them open Christmas presents, and played the Wii and Kyle's most awesome redneck gift from Kaden - Hunter Hero!! Now THAT was fun - stayed up till around 1 am playing. Me and Kyle killed the same amount of deer - 24, and David and Kaden killed the same amount - 14. I want to play again...

Here are some of the family pictures - they're fun :)

Oh! And then all the girls, plus me, went to go see New Moon the day after - ha ha me and Jessica feel it was a bit cheesy and fantasy-like. Some parts were almost a comedy - great laughs! Jessica's done with Twilight stuff, ha ha. I don't care either way. I've got my own man with beautiful abs and a more manly voice and he's not going to kill or hurt me, ha ha. It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't my favorite. :)


  1. AWWW! It was so fun to have you join us for all the festivities! I don't know what redneck game you are talking about, but I want to play too. I need to practice on my bb gun first!!

  2. Ha ha - you haven't tried the hunter game Kaden gave Kyle? It's SWEET! Yeah get lots of practice with your very own special Red Rider BB Gun! Lucky!! We should all play sometime down at Kyle and Jess's! Especially since Eric comes over to play sometimes and you keep missin out. ;)

  3. You're officially one week away! for yay! Mom is hoping you have him a little late so she can be there for it. I was thinking you just might have him past due date cuz you're not very big, like I was. I waS HUGE:) Weehoo. I can't wait to meet my nephew.

  4. how do you have all those pics when i don't yet? sheesh. i can see who the family favorite is now. oh well, if your family, that means david jr will be my nephew! yay! can't wait to meet my adorable new nephew! we had SO much fun with you two at t-day! you are the best neighbors! text me if your water breaks.
