Monday, December 7, 2009


Well, it happened! Wednesday I had irregular contractions ALL day - Sheila Bealer was with me half of the day, the wonderful soul! We went to the hospital at midnight when the contractions became more regular, but all that had happened was more dilation of the cervix. So - we went home.

Lying down trying to sleep I started getting them every 2-4 minutes apart again and WAY more painful so we went to the hospital again where Dr. Gray's wife, Tami, met us to help. In that hour I dilated to a... 2+ or 3+? But they decided to keep me and I walked around, etc., - the rest became kind of a blur. I'd have pain, then fall asleep and wake up to another contraction somehow. I have no idea how I slept so much...but it was a sure blessing! There's no way I would have had the energy to make it if I didn't.
Anyway, the baby was born at 6:32 PM - that was amazing & crazy! Such a sacred experience - David cried more than I did of course - he loves his little man so much. Not that I don't, I'm just not usually much of a cryer. I was in shock, ha ha.

David's parents drove down as soon as they were told I was in the hospital in labor. My mom was pretty concerned we wouldn't have the help we needed, so that helped a ton! David's oldest sister, Mandee, and her husband and kids came down Saturday to visit and bring more gifts, then my Grandma, & Grandpa Henderson and Candace showed up unexpectedly with gifts and well wishes. They drove down just for that and headed straight back. That was awesome -

Anyway, we're enjoying our time with our little one - David says he looks more and more like me every day. Ha ha, Shalae's baby has the same blessing. ;) We had to claim our babies somehow!

- Jr's telling me I really need to go to bed... So ...goodnight!


  1. Was it Vaginally? Did you do it Naturally? Did you get the Epidural?

    All these questions..I know. But that is awesome that he came when he did. Wasn't he due on the 12th or something? Well I'm glad all is well with all of you. Take care!!!

  2. CONGRATS!!! I think he looks like David Sr.! I would like to come visit as soon as there is no more sickness around here. That might be until Spring, but I will make it happen somehow!!

  3. He was born naturally - no medications or drugs - (which I started to regret near the end, but I made it!). When it came time to push all the pain went away. :) It was awesome!

    We love and welcome visitors! Healthy ones, of course, yes. :) I'm sorry you guys have been sick! Get better and come on over!

  4. That's so cool that Grandma and Grandpa Henderson and Candace came down just for that... it really is. I love them. They're sooo nice and thoughtfull. AND, yep, everyone tells me my little man looks like me, and I think yours looks like you from what i've seen.

  5. Oh and ouch to your baby's head.. that's sad. I just showed lall the pics. We like them, and we can't wait to see him and you guys. Hurry up!!! Axel has those same car pajamas in the pic of you holding him right after he got his foot poked. Coincidence?

    I hope you can use some of the stuff I'm sending up with mom on Saturday.

    I updated my blog, finally... you should give it a check out some time.

  6. Shalae- it is no coincidence that they have the same jammies for they are very similar and close in heart. These are just signs that they will indeed be best friends one day.

    We are trying to hurry but you know...yeah. We'll use the stuff you send, no worries! :)
    And... I shall check out your blog! Sweet!

  7. hey - I want to know about Shalae's blog. What is it????? Tell me!! Tell me!!!!! And, Steph, I'm glad your labor went so well. You are one lucky girl ;)
